Today, we’ll talk in detail about how to get a cat out of floorboards.
This is a common problem that many people experience.
If you need to get your cat out from under the floorboards, you most likely know it’s not easy.
But don’t worry, this process is not difficult. It is also important to consider safety when removing a cat from under floorboards.
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Steps to take when trying to get a cat out from under floorboards
It may sound obvious, but the first step you should take when trying to get a cat out from under floorboards is to locate the cat!
Understanding where the cat is located will help you figure out what to do next.
Have someone else help you confront the cat.
The presence of a second person could help you if you’re having trouble with a cat that won’t budge from under the floorboards.
You can try to distract the animal by offering treats and toys.
If this doesn’t work, consider using a squirt bottle with water to spray at the cat’s feet to keep it away from your area.
If these measures don’t work then, once you’ve located your cat and have someone else nearby, follow these steps:
1. Develop a Plan.
Have an idea of where the cat is hiding, look for fresh scent trails and markings on the floorboards to know where you need to start looking.
2. Gather Your Resources.
Depending on where you are in your house, you may want to gather some power tools or other gadgets that might help with this (e.g., battery-powered power drill).
You may also want some non-toxic spray for when it’s time to get the cat out (you can find these at most pet stores).
A cat carrier is also useful.
3. Prepare for the Worst.
Be prepared to take any necessary action if you can’t get the cat out easily.
Sometimes cats are in really tight places and you will need to get them out by other means (e.g., power drill).
4. Knock on the Floorboards.
You should start with a few light taps–enough to let the cat know that you are there, but not so much as to provoke it and send it into hiding.
You will then increase your knock intensity until you have made enough noise that the cat realizes you’re there, but not enough to scare it away or hurt it.
5. Use a Lure/Bait to Get The Cat Out.
Once the cat has become accustomed enough that it does not fear your tapping, you can begin trying to lure it out with some bait, i.e. a treat or favorite toy.
You should also place some of this bait at the point where you think the cat is located so that it has something tangible to follow.
6. Get Help From Other People.
If you are not the only person in the house, ask someone else to help you get the cat out.
It may be that if two people use some of their combined strength, they can get the cat out more easily than one person alone.
7. First Aid and Recovery.
You will want to keep an eye on the cat as it recovers from its experience.
It will likely be very frightened, so it is best to keep everyone away until it calms down and begins eating again.
You should also make sure that the cat has no serious injuries, like broken bones or head trauma.
8. Celebrate.
When the cat is out and seems to be okay, give it a round of applause!
Remember: If you can’t get the cat out without taking drastic measures like drilling into the floorboards, you will likely need to take them to a vet for treatment.
If you injured the cat in your attempts to get it out or if its injuries are serious, take it immediately to a veterinarian.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, you’ve now learned a few ways to get a cat out from under floorboards.
It’s not easy to get your cat out from this situation, but there are some things you can try if it ever happens to you.
Take care of your cat–and yourself–in the process and above all, be safe.