The query “will eating stones harm my puppy” is a pretty common one.
Puppies chew on things with their teeth and subsequently want to chew on other stuff. Many owners wonder if it’s possible for a puppy to eat too many rocks – or what the dangers are of a puppy eating rocks. The answer is no, directly eating rocks will not directly harm your dog, but it can have other consequences as a result.
Below are the main issues associated with your dog eating stones and ways to avoid any problems in the future:
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Points To Be Aware of:
1. Stones could potentially cause harm, so don’t let them:
Your dog’s digestive system is a complex organ.
A single stone can get lodged in their stomach or intestines and cause a blockage.
This means your puppy could have a potentially fatal attack of diarrhea and vomit, which can be painful for them and expensive for you if it requires emergency medical care.
If you see your dog eating stones, chances are they will pass through them without harm. If, however, when you take a look in the back yard you see that the entire area is covered with stones, then it’s time to act before he ingests too many and becomes ill.
It is also important that you remove stones from the environment if you do not want your dog to eat them!
That means, even if you think your dog knows not to eat rocks, it is still important that you keep them away.
Also, make sure your dog does not get scratched or tangled in any of the plants while searching for stones.
Don’t assume your dog doesn’t like rocks and never take him out to play with rocks in the backyard.
2 . Small stones can cause a choking hazard for dogs:
Small and even potentially sharp stones can get lodged in the mouth or throat of a dog.
3 Can cause blockages or impactions
A buildup of sharp rocks in a dog’s stomach or intestines can also lead to a serious medical condition known as impactions.
This condition can not only be painful for your pooch but also cause infections and lead to expensive surgery fees.
It is important to get your dog medical attention immediately if he is suddenly showing any symptoms of pain or nausea after eating rocks.
4. Can I do anything to stop my puppy from eating stones?
If your puppy is new to the household and you see him eating rocks, there are several things you can try.
If you notice your dog eating stones, distract him with a treat or toy instead.
The best is to get your puppy interested in toys by introducing them when he is young.
Using the scent of food can also help distract him from chewing on stones and getting ill.
5. Large stones get trapped in organs:
Large-sized stones are more likely to cause serious problems in your pet’s gastrointestinal system.
These large rocks will stay lodged in the stomach for days if they do not get dislodged by vomiting or diarrhea.
Stones that are too large for normal peristalsis can also damage organs such as the liver and kidney, which can lead to internal bleeding and even death if not removed quickly.
6. Stones can lead to expensive surgery fees:
Large stones from the backyard could easily end up in your dog’s intestines, and could even cause septicemia (blood poisoning) if not taken out quickly.
The cost of surgery to remove large rocks from your pet’s stomach is very high, and although most pets do survive after an operation, they could be disabled for a long time with infections or other complications.
7 . Animals can suffer bleeding and infections as a result of intestinal damage created by swallowing stones:
If your dog keeps eating these rocks and they become lodged in his stomach, he will have to be taken to the veterinarian for removal or other cleaning.
In general, these stones are very small and work their way out of the organs on their own.
However, if you have pets with a long history of gastrointestinal issues or dogs that vomit a lot due to gastric stasis, seek further medical immediately.
8. It is bad for their teeth:
You would think that a dog chewing rocks is good for their teeth. This is not the case.
As stones get lodged in the mouth, their sharp edges can cause serious damage to your pets’ teeth and gums.
Some dogs may even develop a delayed bleeding disorder or tooth infection after eating stones from the backyard!
9. The puppy’s age: Consider teething puppies:
Rocks are extremely hard on new teeth as they wear at all sides of their surfaces; this is exactly what happens when puppies chew on these sharp rocks.
It is important to take your puppy’s age into consideration when deciding whether or not it is safe to let them out in the back yard with stones.
10. Should I take him to the vet?
If your dog has eaten rocks from the backyard, it is very important that you take him to the veterinarian immediately to determine if he has any foreign bodies in his stomach or if damage has occured.
If he has already had stones in his system and you are concerned he will eat more, talk to your vet about surgery to remove them.
11. Eating large amounts of stones could be fatal:
Large stones from the yard are dangerous and could lead to a fatal condition known as GI obstruction.
This can cause low blood pressure, dehydration, and bleeding from the stomach or intestines.
If your dog is already showing any signs of abdominal pain or vomiting, it is important that you take him to the vet immediately.
12 . If you live in an area with a lot of rocks:
If your dog chases rocks around in the backyard and starts eating them more often than not, it could be a sign that there are too many rocks out there for your pet to safely chew on without issues.
Consider placing some other chewable items around the backyard for your pooch to chew on instead; this will give him a safe place to indulge his chewing habits.
13 . Fight boredom:
If you leave your dog out for long periods of time, he is likely to find ways to entertain himself without you – such as by chewing on rocks from the backyard.
If this is the case, consider ways you can keep him busy during those long hours when he is not getting much attention.
14 . There is no reason to be alarmed:
If your dog has a habit of eating rocks, it is not because he is sick.
There are many reasons why dogs will chew on rocks – boredom, dirtiness, need for stimulation (through distance and prey), etc.
These are just some of the many reasons why dogs like to chew – it provides mental stimulation and helps them release energy through chewing.
These can be very dangerous habits if left unchecked; however, if you know your pet is prone to them, you can take steps to prevent them from killing him through eating large amounts of rocks.
Final Thoughts
Whether you live in an area with a lot of rocks or you are concerned that your pet tends to get carried away with his chewing habits, you can take steps to make sure that he is okay and your home remains safe.
If, however, your dog has consumed large amounts of rocks and you are concerned that he is in pain or won’t be able to pass them on through his waste, it is important that you take him to the vet immediately.
Once your dog has been checked out, you will be glad to know that you did everything you could to keep your pet safe and healthy while he was out and about.
Important Note: The information provided in this article is not intended for the diagnosis/treatment of any medical conditions.
Please consult a licensed, qualified veterinarian before acting on any information provided herein.
References herein are for educational purposes only and do not necessarily constitute endorsements of the author’s opinions or recommendations.
This article does not constitute medical advice and should not be taken as such.
Always consult your veterinarian before embarking on any medical-related decisions.