I Hate My Family Dog – (Reasons and Solutions)

When it comes to family pets, there are a lot of reasons you might hate them. Perhaps they’re old and smelly, no longer have the energy they used to have, or their odd-sounding barks drive you up the wall.

Whatever your reason for hating your furry friend may be, there’s an easy way to get along with them again and make everyone happier in the process. The situation can be improved by examining some of the following issues.

Most Common Issues

This list will help you find ways on how to overcome some of the most common problems that can come from living with your four-legged family members.

Problem: Your dog barks all day long and it’s driving you crazy.

Solution: Find ways to make your dog bark less often. Some breeds like to bark more than others, but even the quietest dogs can become a nuisance if they’re being left alone for long periods of time.

To avoid this problem, try engaging your pup in more activities. Play games with them and take them on walks or runs so that they won’t be able to sit around all day and bark.

Problem: Your dog constantly jumps on guests and other people in your home.

Solution: Housetraining a dog takes time, but it’s something that must be done. By keeping your pet on a leash when people are over, you can hold onto the leash and keep your pet from jumping.

Also, as people enter the home, don’t pet them right away. Your dog might go after them if they smell like strangers to him or her.

Wait several minutes so that everyone gets a chance to relax and so that your pet won’t think they’re being threatened by everyone who walks in.

Problem: Your dog’s shedding coat is all over your home.

Solution: Brush your dog regularly. This will cut down on the amount of loose hair throughout the house.

You can also opt for a double-coated breed so that you won’t have to deal with too many stray hairs in your home.

If that’s not an option, try vacuuming often and don’t forget to wash the dog’s bedding occasionally to remove any hair that might have gotten there.

Problem: You’re concerned about strange-dog diseases.

Solution: Caring for your dog’s health is one of the most important things you can do.

Get vaccinations, especially if there are breed-specific diseases that could be carried by your pet.

You might also consider taking along a vet that can conduct a health check-up on your pet every once in a while to make sure he or she is healthy and well.

Problem: Your dog digs holes and other things in the garden.

Solution: If you don’t want to purchase an electric fence for your dog, try adding grains or flower seeds near your garden so that he or she will leave it alone, although this won’t stop all digging activities.

You can also put chicken wire over your garden or use other means to keep your pet contained.

Problem: Your dog was once an excellent guard dog, but now he’s not paying attention around the home.

Solution: Sometimes a dog might go through a phase where he isn’t as alert as usual. If this is the case with your companion, try playing with him more frequently.

This will help him get his energy back and build up his concentration levels again, so that he’ll be able to focus on keeping you safe and sound when you’re in the house at night.

Also, dogs who are extremely shy might need a boost in self-confidence. This can be done by having him or her get more exercise and make new friends.

Problem: Your dog barks when you’re away from home.

Solution: There are a few things you could try to help with this problem. Depending on the type of barking, you may be able to change your dog’s environment by removing or adding things like pictures, windows, or mirrors.

This will help him get used to being alone and stop feeling anxious about your absence.

You can also try lining the area where he sleeps with a blanket that smells like you to create an olfactory cue for calm behavior when you are away.

Problem: Your dog won’t leave you alone.

Solution: Make it a point to introduce your companion to other dogs around the same age.

While you might not be able to train a pet puppy in such situations, there might be an older dog who will make a good friend for your pup.

Also, if your dog doesn’t like dogs, see if you can get another dog or pay a professional for help in training.

Problem: Your dog won’t listen when you tell him no.

Solution: Sometimes we do things without thinking about the consequences of our actions, but this is something that’s easy to avoid with our strong sense of responsibility and obligation.

Make a point of always communicating with your dog. Try to make your dog understand what you want from him or her.

Avoid giving orders or giving commands that are too harsh or overly strict; your pet may interpret these as punishments.

Instead, use canine-friendly words to get him or her to do as you want. Also, if he or she doesn’t listen when you tell them no, try ignoring them for a few minutes then it might help to have another person walk by and say hello; they might respond well to this.

Problem: Your dog is always getting into things in the house and getting into things that aren’t his own.

Solution: If your dog is going into your garbage or recycling, make sure the bins are in a place where he can’t reach them.

If your dog is going on the kitchen counter to get food, don’t leave snacks out on the counters. Store any food and snacks in higher places that you know dogs can’t reach like cabinets.

Keep the cabinets locked if possible to prevent him from getting to anything inside them.

If your dog is going into your laundry make sure to lock up any detergents, softeners or bleach that he might get into.

If your dog is going in the bathroom trash or cabinets/drawers, make sure they are all closed and locked.

These are the most common places a dog will get into.

If you have a puppy, remember that they will get into anything and everything so try to keep it down at first until you have trained him what is his own and what isn’t.

Problem: Your dog doesn’t get along with other animals and is always being aggressive with them.

Solution: Introduce your dog to other animals of the same age and species as soon as possible and check in regularly to see how they interact with each other.

If you notice that your pet is being aggressive in any way, try talking to your vet about some training or other dog-friendly products he can use to help him deal with the situation.

Also, make sure you don’t let him interact with a larger animal before the other pet is comfortable around it.

Problem: Your dog won’t stop barking at night or during the day.

Solution: Some dogs are very anxious and restless during certain times of the day and prefer to have company even when they’re alone at home.

Make it possible for your dog to get some exercise outside when he’s feeling this way.

You can even get a doggy daycare so that he will have more chances to see other dogs and socialize with them.

Problem: Your dog does not listen to you when you’re giving him or her a command.

Solution: This might be a result of your pet being too stubborn or his fear of you. Try giving your dog more attention, praise, and treats when he does listen to your orders.

You can also try rubbing his belly or scratching him behind the ears to show him that you are pleased with his obedience.

If your pet has previously bitten any person at home, ask for veterinary assistance since this might have something to do with his disobedience towards you.

Problem: Your dog has been urinating and defecating in inappropriate places.

Solution: Housetraining a dog can take a lot of time, but it’s essential that it is done correctly.

You can train your dog to stop urinating and defecating in inappropriate places by using spray bottles.

Spray bottles are commonly used on animals by trainers, veterinarians, and people who own pets to prevent bad behavior from occurring. Often times the reinforcement of a spray bottle is enough for an animal not to engage in unwanted behaviors.

The spray bottle will visually and audibly alert the dog or pet that urinating or defecating in the wrong place will result in an unpleasant and embarrassing experience. The spray bottle must be used by every family member.


Always remember that it is your dog’s life and that you are his or her guardian.

It’s up to you to show him or her the type of attention that will make them feel comfortable and happy.

Also, make sure you’re always paying attention to him for any changes in his behavior.

It might be a sign that there is some kind of problem brewing on the horizon, but if you are keeping an eye on him for this reason.

Then you can make a mental note, and if it turns out to be something that you will have to deal with, at least you will know what to expect.

Remember that any problems can be avoided by doing your part and keeping tabs on your dog’s behavior.


Whole Dog Journal


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