So, you might be wondering why are dogs attracted to fire hydrants. After all, have you ever met a dog that wasn’t at least somewhat interested in fire hydrants?
It seems like they’re pretty interesting for a dog. So, what makes fire hydrants so attractive to dogs? Is it the water? The fire? The hydrant itself?
Dogs like to pee on fire hydrants for a few different reasons.
As for why dogs are attracted to fire hydrants in the first place, there’s only one true answer. Because it’s there.
But there is more to this question than you might think!
I don’t mean what attracts the dog, or what part of their brain is responding. Today I go beyond that and tell you why do dogs go crazy over fire hydrants.
Table of Contents
11 Possible Reasons for Attraction
A dog’s attraction to fire hydrants range for several reasons.
1. Marking their territory
Dogs in general are social animals that have the instinct of self-preservation, thus they will use items such as fire hydrants as a place to mark their territory.
Peeing on fire hydrants activates scent glands: dogs will urinate and defecate on fire hydrants to activate their scent glands.
They do this so that they can mark the area around the hydrant in order to show ownership.
This is a sort of behavior that dog owners must be familiar with, since we are all familiar with these things because they are located in residential areas.
2. Habit
In some cases, what may cause dogs attraction towards fire hydrants is due to habit.
This happens when dogs come across fire hydrants, which are commonly placed in areas that other dogs would visit.
Simply through observation, the dog learns how to use it and eventually starts behaving around it. Within time the animal will begin to recognize the fire hydrant as a place to go for recreation or territorial marking.
However, in some cases what may cause dogs attraction towards fire hydrants is due to nature or nurture.
This happens when an individual dog who is already accustomed to going towards fire hydrants begin to see several other dogs going towards that exact same spot, thus he too begins going in that direction.
3. Lack of Socialization
Now for all you psychologists out there, the reason behind their attraction to fire hydrants could be none other than lack of proper socialization during puppyhood.
A puppy usually learns how to interact with different objects by interacting with his litter-mates who act as his first playmates and mentors.
But if the puppy is not properly socialized with its siblings and other playmates, it will actually grow up with a wrong impression of the world around him.
In fact, some studies have proven that when puppies are born they already have the potential to develop this habit.
This is also why some individuals might have a tendency to use fire hydrants as their main form of play or territorial marking.
4. Security
Dogs are naturally attracted to fire hydrants because using them for their own purposes will make them feel safer.
The hydrants offer them protection from other dogs and animals they may come across in their path.
They also serve as a source of intermittent stimulation if there’s no neighbor walking around nearby.
In other words, the hydrant’s color and vertical length are what makes it a perfect hiding place for dogs who want to get away from it all.
5. Ownership
Dogs have certain territorial instincts that are as strong as those of wild animals. If they see the fire hydrants as their own personal property, they will definitely bark at or even attack people who try to take over their spot.
6. Smell
The smell of fire hydrants can be a dog’s main attraction.
You can usually scent it even before you can see it. In fact, that’s probably why your dog likes to wake you up in the middle of the night – he might be smelling something interesting that took his attention away from the call of nature.
7. Color
Another reason for their attraction is due to color contrast. This may explain why they find this object so interesting and attractive. Fire hydrants also belong to a niche; they are unique and distinct from other everyday elements.
8. O.C.D.
In some cases, excess attraction towards fire hydrants falls into the category of psychological disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder.
If this is the case with your dog, please take him to a veterinarian and have him diagnosed.
Fire hydrants attract his curiosity, especially when he notices that there is water inside it. .
9. Sound
The sounds it makes: the fire hydrant will make an audible sound when it is used.
This is because it needs to be kept in water, otherwise it won’t work properly. The water collects in the bottom of the hydrant and then spills out when you turn on the tap.
Pets have a natural affinity for water, which makes them be attracted towards it more often than not.
10. Dogs feel good around fire hydrants:
Dogs like to feel good around water. That’s why they enjoy playing in the water and in the fire hydrants since it is a source of water for them.
Most dogs once they have been introduced to fire hydrants will enjoy playing with them because of their resemblance to a pool or a swimming pool.
11. Dogs are curious animals
Some dogs are naturally curious.
If they find an object such as the fire hydrants, then it is no wonder they would be attracted to it.
That’s why it’s important that you continue educating your dog about their behavior.
What You Can Do
All of the above reasons means that not all dogs are equally interested or attracted to fire hydrants; some are more fascinated than others.
Also, some dogs seem to be attracted to fire hydrants and will play around with them all day or most of their lives. In some cases, some of them can even go through a phase of “neophobia” in which they will be afraid to leave the area where the fire hydrants are located.
There’s no clear reason why some dogs are attracted to these objects while others aren’t; this could just be a random chance and also depend on an individual dog’s individual temperament and habits.
However, there are some ways that you can make your dog stop showing interest in fire hydrants, which will bring about a positive change.
Some dogs may become territorial; this is when they will start protecting or marking their territory using objects or places they consider useful to them such as fire hydrants.
If this is the case with your dog, you have to try and put a stop to it. Similarly, if your dog is showing signs of aggression or anxiety towards fire hydrants then you might have to seek professional help.
Dealing with Dog Fire Hydrant Attraction Issue
If you are a dog owner who is wondering how to stop your pet from being attracted to fire hydrants, here are some tips that you can deploy:
1. Stop letting your dog out of the house unattended
This will keep him away from areas where they are located.
Teach your dog to stay away from these devices and also, make sure you let them know when they are in the wrong.
Reward your dog for good behavior so that they will eventually learn to stay away from things that are dangerous or objects that are not intended to be used by them.
The best solution to this kind of problem is prevention; you can prevent it from ever happening if you train your dog properly.
Also, make sure that you don’t let them get near fire hydrants or other objects they could potentially cause damage to.
Dogs won’t stop being attracted to fire hydrants if you don’t do anything about them.
It is important that you spend time teaching them how to live and play with other dogs and objects around them without causing damages.
Final Thoughts
Most dogs will use a fire hydrant to pee on it for territorial marking.
This is to express where they belong in the area and make sure that other dogs in the area are aware of their presence.
This is why dogs often go to fire hydrants in packs and urinate on them.
This habit of marking their territory is one that owners should learn how to deal with because while many think it’s funny, others will not be entertained by peeing on fire hydrants.